Making money for Ha-Stu


Order via the SponsorKliks-pagina of Ha-Stu at all known web shops where you normally buy. A commission is paid monthly to Ha-Stu for all purchases. This costs you nothing!

Find Bol, Coolblue, Thuisbezorgd and many more!



PanelWizard is a research agency that uses a consumer panel. This panel is a reflection of the Netherlands and currently consists of over 30,000 Dutch people.

As a panelist, you earn money for Ha-Stu when you create an account and every time you answer questions.

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Scoor voor je club

This works almost the same as Sponsorkliks, but is perhaps even easier. You link your bank account once in deze app (Dappre).

Every time you pay for something at an affiliated store, the app automatically registers it and generates money for Ha-Stu!


Huisman sport

Did you know that in addition to Ha-Stu merchandise you can also buy other sportswear at Huisman and receive commission for Ha-Stu?